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Pagan Symbols Reveal Disturbing Connections

November 24, 2014

False Kings and Priests, the Serpent Necromancers'


Ancient pagan symbolism: Spread eagle/birds of prey represent power, strength, leadership, vision. Wreaths denote sovereignty, used in ancient pagan worship
6-point Star of Chuin/David...Merkabah with Mossad/American eagle predates Judaism, pagan symbol of authority over demonic spiritual realm. Menorah/ Chalice similar shaped items, symbolize light.

Solar Horus = virgin birthed son of Ra (god), later son of Osiris, "war" god...(protector?)  Chalice and host = blood and body of Christianity's virgin birthed son of YHVH who gives salvation, protection from death and hell, celebrated on "Sun"-day. 6pt star of Chuin/Molech  = King David, Messianic lineage, savior for Shelanite-Jew and Christian

Is there anything new under the sun /son?



Sun disk/host/wreath in conjunction with wings (birds of prey), indicate protection. The Nazi regime, Mossad (Babylonian-Judaism), USA Government (Christianity?), Catholic Church and Egyptian god all represent their people's protection. Solar Horus = virgin birthed son of Ra (god), later son of Osiris, "war" god...(protector?)

by Neshamah Eliat and Dr. S. Asher


Symbols reveal relationships. Why would Israel choose the identical symbol that came to mean genocide to their people? Why the similarities between the chalice and menorah? Why the "Star of David" and Egyptian Solar Horus in the US Seal. These are all interconnected but only scratch the surface.
 "Nazi" or nasi is ancient Hebrew generally meaning "Rulers or Kings", typically over all Temples and government service.
6 pointed star and swastika are very ancient religious symbols found all over the world that conveyed power and good fortune, well-being, eternity for select few.
Oldest known swastika was found in Ukraine region; later in locations under Khazar Empire control in Jewish temples, Catholic Churches.

Under Joshua, especially after his rule, tribal "Nasim" used as spies and later apportioned all captured lands.  Interesting modern coincidence.

The connection of Horus and Catholicism? Horus was part of the Egyptian's pagan origins, which Hebrews assimilated into prior to the establishment of "Babylonian-Judaism". The chalice and host are a big part of the Catholic religion, the new Judaism as we seen by its menorah "light". Catholic means unity...unity of what?

There was no need for a new religion to spread the "light". The instructions given to Moshe at Mt. Horeb contained no special chosen status for the Hebrews, but instructed them to teach and assimilate those around them, along with future "strangers" drawn to their "light". Only one "original" Torah was equally given for all. Therefore, unity was already the mandate. It was later through manipulated texts the "chosen" status appeared. This created the in-grafting agenda NEVER included in the original instructions. The complete history of the Hebrews, Jews, and Christians is not in your Bible. This is only the tip of the iceberg, which leaves far more under the proverbial water!

All of this has been orchestrated for the sole purpose of furthering the Babylonian-Shelanite-Judahite-Khazarian evil plan to be the world power and finally rid the earth of the true Sons of Abrahim.

Thus far, this clandestine protracted massacre had been confined to short intervals under the guise of war. Clearly, the Mossad/Nazi eagle is an insult to the original Hebrew tribes who survived Hitler's genocide. It is the truest indication of the current Israeli Nation State origins and agenda. Many may never notice this Mossad symbol's relationship to the Nazi/nasi eagle nor that of the Star of David/Molech/Chuin above the American eagle cleverly made up of little stars. These symbols pre-exile Babylonian-Judaism, along with many that intertwine within the various ancient and modern day religions.

We know the so-called "Star of David" was also a Khazarian symbol. One Khazarian family known to claim Jewish heritage were the Rothschilds. Max Rothschild moved prior to WWII to a Palestinian Kibbutz. Upon his return we find his name in the lodge of masons, associated with the Pope. The Masons have a deep connection with ancient Egypt, the Papacy, and the Shelanite-Babylonian-Judahites who all openly serve and depict "in Hebrew", the same false god, YHVH - יהוה (Yah-Hovah or Yahweh)


liberty5.jpgThis statue is located and almost hidden within the Basilica in Rome. The headband clearly depicts the name of their false god, "YHVH" and the Hebrew phrase "Kadosh Yah'Hovah", meaning "Holy Yah'Hovah". Looking now down at his belt, those unfamiliar with Hebrew might dismiss the odd inscription. It appears the Hebrew letters "Dalet = D" and "Resh = R" might have been interchanged.

Upon a personal visit to this statue, the unusual meaning was immediately identified. In English this would read, "Institute and Truth" or "Institutions and Truth" with the more phonetic English translation being "MOSSAD and TRUTH"! Now, look closely the Hebrew letter is a Dalet, as it is in the first word on the headband, "KaDosh". The spelling of the word with a Resh is almost identical to Mossad. It is the word "Moos'ar", meaning "Moral or Morality".

Certainly, it makes more sense for that first word to be Moral and not Mossad = Institute! Mossad is THE Israeli "Institute" of Intelligence and Secret Service! Is this a mistake, or does this give them a way to incorporate and use both? Stating that they are the institute that resides over or dictates morality and truth. Now take into consideration the symbolism of the Nazi and Mossad eagle emblems along with the 1999 book by John Cornwell, "Hitler's Pope".  Along with the symbolism shown, this book gives additional historical evidence as to how the three entities may actually intertwine.

Also include this "angel's" resemblance to a prominent American statue. This should raise all kinds of questions.

This information is meant to inform. It may be contrary to many people's paradigm. However, there really is nothing new under the sun and that becomes clear as we examine the ancient inhabitants and religions of this world. This doesn't refute a loving Creator but reveals man's deception to gain control. We encourage you to further research this subject.

Neshamah Eliat and Dr. S. Asher ©2014

Further symbolic connection is evident in U.K. heraldry (seen below), and read the full version of this article g o to the following link:

For additional ancient Prophetic information and proofs of origin, see these books by Dr. Asher:
"The Land of MEAT & Honey 2nd Edition"
"The Greater Exodus 2nd Edition"


First Comment by Ron:

This video will put legs on some of the points the authors are attempting to make. One minor point is that the order of the Trapezoid and the Black Sun (Sohne) cult (the order of Lucifer) are obscure Sigils for instance. The illuminated triangle on the back of the dollar. The Eye of Horus OVER.. the Trapezoid are the Sigils of Life and Death centered in the bill which suggests "Through money we exert the power of life and death over your lives". Remember what Nathan Rothschild said about the control of money ? That and the fact that the Rothschilds clan also claim to be descendent's of the the Kenites or Son's of Cain.

George Herbert Walker Bush claimed on television that he had skeletons in his closet. He then said that he was a descendant of Nimrod. High Adept Masons long held belief that Nimrod was a descendant of the sons of Cain or Kenites. What is being brought to light here is that Jesus also called them the sons of the Devil in Mt chapter 8. How did they make it past the flood ? In the video it says that Lamech, a son of Cain, who was the progenitor of the 7 crafts went underground to escape the flood. Indeed in Mt 15 and 1 Chr 2 we find the Son's of Cain did in fact make it past the flood as the record is clear.

The mystery of the widows son is that GOD banished Eve from the garden. One of her husbands was the Serpent. The widows son is Cain.

Dan writes:

This is a Rabbit Hole.   "GOD is DOG spelled backwards, which is how Catholic Church tricked the masses into worshiping Sirius - the DOG STAR." 

Never mind that "God" is only dog spelled backwards in English. 

Think I'm exaggerating?  The above analogy works the same for "Is there anything new under the SUN/SON?"
Try it in Greek.  Sun = ilios (helios), Son = giós
Now Latin.  Sun = Sol.  Son = Filius
How 'bout French.  Sun = soleil.  Son = fils.
Hungarian.  Sun = nap.  Son = fiú
Chinese.  Sun = Tàiyáng.  Son = Érzi

By the way, that's not an eagle in that Egyptian symbol  Horus:  it's a falcon.   The falcon is holding two Ankhs - fertility symbols - not the olive branch of peace or the arrows of war.   What's your point?

As for the blatant appropriation of the National Socialist eagle by the MOSSAD for their emblem, that's obviously deliberate.  You'd have to ask them why they did that, but I can venture a guess.   Founded in 1949 by David Ben-Gurion, a major interest in the MOSSAD was hunting German Nazis, like Eichmann. The logo was designed to have a mocking effect on Nazi fugitives, as if to say, "look we have your power now, and we're going to do to you what you did to us.".  It's very, "eye for an eye" kind of reasoning.  Pretty standard stuff, not esoteric.

The article consists of intriguingly illustrated non-sequiturs. Belongs on the same shelf as Erich von Däniken and D.M. Murdock (aka Acharya S)

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Pagan Symbols Reveal Disturbing Connections "

Kristine said (November 26, 2014):

With regard to the Catholic Church being evil, which I believe it most certainly is.

You suggest in a comment that if the Freemasons refer to the RC as their worst enemy, then the RC could not possibly have been evil.

Why on earth would you take anything a Freemason says at face value – that is, as a truthful statement?

Surely the RC works together with the Jesuits, the Freemasons and all the rest of the Satanists toward dominion over, that is – destruction of – all creation.

CR said (November 25, 2014):

The similarities between the eagle on the US$1 bill and the horus/falcon image are too much to dismiss, especially when you take into consideration that there is a pyramid on the $1 bill. Can you read hieroglyphs?

Anyone claiming that Freemasonry, Catholicism, or Egyptian/Babylonian religion were not always evil is confused. Supposedly Satan wasn't always evil either, but what good has he ever done? Was there really a snake on Moses' staff? Have you heard of Esclapius? Didn't Moses kill 3000 people for worshiping the image of a calf? What about “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below"? Do you believe Moses is a big time hypocrite too?


Thanks CR

I find it hard to believe the RC Church was "always evil" when the Freemasons identified it as enemy number one.


Tyron Parsons said (November 25, 2014):

European Masonry was relatively innocent before the Jewish Illuminati gained control.The 1776 Common/Natural/Christian law Government had much different symbolism than this article purports. The knowledge of geometry, symbolism, like any knowledge, can be used for good or evil.

The Great Pyramid is based on geometric symbolism symbolizing all in creation which is based on Pi- the golden ratio, the stick and circle. dot with spirals from a topographical view. Consider Moses staff with the snake around it. This symbolized Christ hanging on the Cross to come which is the same Pi- golden ratio pattern (life/DNA etc.)

When considering 1st Peter 2:4-6 note that the 144,000 white limestones of the Pyramid are symbolic of the 144,000 authentic Israelites and the Cap Stone (Jesus) whom are destined to take over the almost complete Satanic JWO. This is in essense the controversy of Zion.

Brian said (November 25, 2014):

ry interesting as ever Henry. Thoroughly enjoy reading what you send our way.
Star worship goes way back. Read Amos 5:26 in the Bible :

Now you will have to carry away Sak'kuth your king and Kai'wan,*
Your images, the star of your god, whom you made for yourselves,
The Babylonian name is Rephan or Remphan see Acts 7:42,43

Ac 7:42, 43 So God turned away from them and handed them over to offer sacred service to the
army of heaven, just as it is written in the book of the Prophets: ‘It was not to me that you
made offerings and sacrifices for 40 years in the wilderness, was it, O house of Israel?
43 Amorite
But it was the tent of Mo'loch and the star of the god Re'phan that you took up,
the images that you made to worship them. So I will deport you beyond Babylon.’

Reintroduced : "There was no usage of it in Jewish circles until the 17th century when the cabalist, Isaac Luria, introduced it in Germany"

Time and time again people fall for Saturnalia, As regards Moloch he is known as Yule or Yuletide greetings.

Rolph said (November 25, 2014):

Hi Henry,

perhaps this is of interest:

The Six Pointed Star

Al Thompson said (November 25, 2014):

Al Thompson:

I don't think any of us "conspiracy theorists" can even imagine the depth of depravity that goes along with the modern religions. If it wasn't for some of the earlier Christian writings, I would have completely given up on "Christianity." Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of the bible should know that what is being passed of a "Christian" is in reality pagan. And it is these symbols that give us the disclosure as a warning.

For example, in Eliat and Asher's article we see the symbol of the eagle. In the Epistle of Barnabus--never included in the bible--we find the real meaning of the eagle. And that meaning is very simple: the eagle is the sign of a predator.

Neither shalt thou eat eagle nor falcon nor kite nor crow. Thou
shalt not, He saith, cleave unto, or be likened to, such men who know
not how to provide food for themselves by toil and sweat, but in
their lawlessness seize what belongeth to others, and as if they were
walking in guilelessness watch and search about for some one to rob
in their rapacity, just as these birds alone do not provide food for
themselves, but sit idle and seek how they may eat the meat that
belongeth to others, being pestilent in their evil-doings. Epistle of Barnabus

The above caption describes modern collectivism or communism. Men who cannot compete in the marketplace, spend their time stealing from others. They also tell you who they are with their hand-signals. I remember receiving a Geneva bible from my son, and right on the front cover, was a pagan symbol. The warnings are everywhere, but most of us don't realize that we are getting disclosure before we involve ourselves with them. Government and religion are the two most destructive forces known to mankind, and they must be avoided to the extent possible.

The statue in this article looks remarkably similar to the Statue of Liberty. What most of us need to learn how to do is to accept the evidence for what it is and then adjust accordingly.

Rollo T said (November 25, 2014):

The "Star of David" is contained within Metatron's Cube
Metatron's Cube is what is circled at the Kaaba
At the Kaaba, you pay homage to Allah ......... all the symbology relates to Kaballah.

Tony B said (November 24, 2014):

I think there is a degree of validity in the ancient meanings of the symbolism but the connections made strike me as speculation. I see a very much undisguised attack on Catholicism here. Just one more of many, which is more proof that it is much feared by satanic elements who want it totally destroyed. Which will never happen as decreed by God.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at